



サブルーチン print_elements


# 軌道要素の表示
def print_elements(td, pe, nd, ic, ec, q, ep, T, K):
    jd = td
    yy, mm, dd = jdate(jd, T)
    a = q / (1.0 - ec)
    pd = 0.00995198 * pow(a, 1.5)
    no = 2.0 * math.pi * 86400.0 / pd
    mo = no * (td - ep)
    r1 = a / 6378.16
    ww = 0.174 * (2.0 - 2.5 * math.sin(ic)**2) / pow(r1, 3.5)
    nn = -0.174 * math.cos(ic) / pow(r1, 3.5)
    uu = no + ww
    r3 = 2.0 * math.pi * 86400.0 / uu
    if abs(mo * K[3]) > 0.1:
        print('    Epoch =  %4d  %2d  %6.3f ET   Mo = %9.3f' % (yy, mm, dd, mo))
    print('     T    =  %4d  %2d  %6.3f ET' % (yy, mm, dd))
    print('     Peri.=   %7.3f               e =     %7.5f' % (pe * K[3], ec))
    print('     Node =   %7.3f (Date)        a =%9.2f (Km)' % (nd * K[3], a))
    print('     Inc. =   %7.3f               n = %12.6f' % (ic * K[3], no * K[3]))
    print('        q =%9.2f (Km)           P = %8.2f 分' % (q, pd / 60.0))
    print('       ww =  %7.2f      Node Period = %8.2f 分' % (ww * K[3], r3 / 60.0))
    print('       nn =  %7.2f' % (nn * K[3]))

    return a, pe, no, pd, ww, nn

メインルーチン m45.py


# m45.py
# マイコン宇宙講座
# 4-5 人工衛星の軌道と経路追跡プログラム
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
from tkinter.constants import SOLID
import tkinter as tk
import csv
import glob
import math
import lib

# 世界地図のフレーム
def drawing_frame(map_color, fonts, draw):
    latitude = [
        [16, '+75'],
        [80, '+60'],
        [128, '+40'],
        [160, '+20'],
        [192, '0'],
        [224, '-20'],
        [256, '-40'],
        [304, '-60'],
        [368, '-75']

    # フレーム
    draw.rectangle((28, 5, 610, 384), outline=map_color, width=1)

    # 緯度
    for i in range(9):
        y = latitude[i][0]
        la = latitude[i][1]
        drawing_latitude(y, la, fonts, draw)

    # 経度
    for lg in range(74, 610, 48):
        draw.line((lg, 5, lg, 10), fill=map_color, width=1)
        draw.line((lg, 379, lg, 384), fill=map_color, width=1)
    draw.text((71, 362), '0', font=fonts, fill=map_color)
    draw.text((162, 362), '60', font=fonts, fill=map_color)
    draw.text((256, 362), '120', font=fonts, fill=map_color)
    draw.text((352, 362), '180', font=fonts, fill=map_color)
    draw.text((496, 362), '300', font=fonts, fill=map_color)
    draw.text((584, 362), '330', font=fonts, fill=map_color)

# 緯度を描く
def drawing_latitude(y, la, fonts, draw):
    draw.line((28, y+5, 33, y + 5), fill=map_color, width=1)
    draw.line((605, y+5, 610, y + 5), fill=map_color, width=1)
    if la == '0':
        draw.text((11, y - 7 +5), la, font=fonts, fill=map_color)
        draw.text((622, y - 7 + 5), la, font=fonts, fill=map_color)
        draw.text((5, y - 7 + 5), la, font=fonts, fill=map_color)
        draw.text((614, y - 7 + 5), la, font=fonts, fill=map_color)

# 世界地図を描く
def drawing_map(map_color, draw):
    # 地図データの読み込み
    files = glob.glob('./map/*.csv')

    for file_name in files:
        fp = open(file_name, 'r')
        reader = csv.reader(fp)

        for data in reader:
            x = int(data[0]) * 4
            y = int(data[1]) * 4 + 18

            draw.rectangle((x - 2, y - 2, x + 2, y + 2), fill=map_color)


# メイン
u = [0, 0, 0, 0]

# フォント名は実行環境に合わせて変更すること
fonts1 = ImageFont.truetype('TakaoGothic.ttf', 13)
fonts2 = ImageFont.truetype('Ubuntu-B.ttf', 16)
fonts3 = ImageFont.truetype('Ubuntu-B.ttf', 24)

# カラーパレット
map_color = (80, 160, 0)
earth_color = (0, 90, 205)
moon_color = (255, 240, 90)
orbit_color = (255, 255, 255)

lg = 139.745 / lib.K[3]
la = 35.654 / lib.K[3]
obs = 'Tokyo'

std = input('打ち上げ日と時刻 ? ')
dy, dt = std.split(',')
dy = float(dy)
dt = float(dt)

jd, yy, mm, dd, hh, ms, ss = lib.mjd(dy, dt)

jd1 = jd
jd2 = jd

h = input('打ち出し高度(Km) ? ')
h = float(h)
while True:
    vo = input('打ち出し速度(Km/sec) ? ')
    vo = float(vo)
    r = 6378.16 + h
    a = 2.0 / r - pow((vo / 631.35), 2)
    a = 1.0 / a
    ec = 1.0 - r / a
    if a < 0 and ec < 0:
        print('\n\nERROR: この速度では打ち上げられません!\n')
# end while

r1 = la
r2 = h * 1000.0
r3 = lib.geocentric_latitude(r1, r2)
la = r3
while True:
    ic = input('軌道傾斜角 ? ')
    ic = float(ic)
    ic = ic / lib.K[3]
    if abs(ic) < abs(la) or abs(ic) > math.pi - abs(la):
        print('\n\nERROR: この角度では打ち上げられません!\n')
# end while

r = 6378.16 + h
q = r
a = 2.0 / r - pow((vo / 631.35), 2)
a = 1.0 / a
ec = 1.0 - q / a
ss = math.sin(la) / math.sin(ic)
cc = math.sqrt(1.0 - ss * ss)
v = math.atan(ss / cc)
if v < 0:
    v += math.pi

pe = v
ss = math.sin(v) * math.cos(ic) / math.cos(la)
cc = math.cos(v) / math.cos(la)
tt = lib.quadrant(ss, cc)
l1 = lg - tt

r1 = jd1
r2 = 0
r3 = lib.siderealtime_date(r1, r2)
nd = r3 + l1
if nd < 0:
    nd = nd + 2.0 * math.pi
if nd > 2.0 * math.pi:
    nd = nd - 2.0 * math.pi
print('\n\n===== SATELLITE ELEMENTS =====\n')
td = jd
ep = td
ic = abs(ic)
a, pe, no, pd, ww, nn = lib.print_elements(td, pe, nd, ic, ec, q, ep, lib.T, lib.K)

# std = input('PRESS ANY KEY ')

# 人工衛星の軌道表示 -----------------------------------------
root = tk.Tk()
root.resizable(False, False)
root.title('マイコン宇宙講座 - 人工衛星の軌道表示')

img = Image.new('RGB', (640, 400), (0, 0, 0))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)

canvas = tk.Canvas(root, width=640, height=400, bg='black')

# 人工衛星の軌道のプロット
draw.text((80, 0), '#### SATELLITE ORBIT ####', font=fonts2)
aa = 35.0 / a * 6378.16
for i in range(0, 360, 10):
    m = i / lib.K[3]
    x = (int(aa * math.cos(m)) + 70) * 4
    y = (int(aa * math.sin(m)) + 45) * 4
    draw.rectangle((x - 2, y - 2, x + 2, y + 2), fill=earth_color)
draw.text((32 * 8, 8 * 16), 'EARTH', font=fonts2)

qq = a * (1.0 + ec)
if qq > 350000:
    aa = aa * 380000.0 / 6378.16
    x = int((aa / 2 + 35) - 5) * 8
    draw.text((x, 11 * 16), 'Moon ○', font=fonts1, fill=moon_color)

a1 = 35
b1 = a1 * math.sqrt(1.0 - ec * ec)
for m in range(0, 360, 10):
    mo = m / lib.K[3]

    ss, cc, ff = lib.kepler(mo, ec)

    x = -(a1 * ff)
    y = -(b1 * ss)
    x = int(x + 70) * 4
    y = int(y + 45) * 4
    # 2ピクセルの円
    draw.ellipse((x - 1, y - 1, x + 1, y + 1), fill=orbit_color)

# 近日点および遠日点の距離を表示
a1 = a1 / 2.0
q1 = a1 * (1.0 - ec)
q2 = a1 * (1.0 + ec)
q1_str = '%4dKm' % (q)
q2_str = '%5dKm' % (qq)
draw.text(((35 - 4 - q1) * 8, 11 * 16), 'q', font=fonts1)
draw.text(((35 - 6 - q1) * 8, 12 * 16), q1_str, font=fonts1)
draw.text(((35 + 4 + q2) * 8, 11 * 16), 'Q', font=fonts1)
draw.text(((35 + 2 + q2) * 8, 12 * 16), q2_str, font=fonts1)

# 描画した画像を保存

# 画像の表示
photo = tk.PhotoImage(file='./images/satellite_orbit.png', master=root)
canvas.create_image(1, 1, image=photo, anchor=tk.NW)

button = tk.Button(root, text='閉じる', width=6, relief=SOLID, cursor='hand1', command=root.destroy)
button.place(x=558, y=407)


# std = input('PRESS ANY KEY ')

# 人工衛星の経路表示 -----------------------------------------
root = tk.Tk()
root.resizable(False, False)
root.title('マイコン宇宙講座 - 人工衛星の経路表示')

img = Image.new('RGB', (640, 400), (0, 0, 0))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)

canvas = tk.Canvas(root, width=640, height=400, bg='black')

# フレーム描画
drawing_frame(map_color, fonts1, draw)

# 離心率が0.7より小さいときのみ表示
if ec < 0.7:
    # 地図プロット
    drawing_map(map_color, draw)

    while True:
        r1 = jd1
        r2 = 0

        r3 = lib.siderealtime_date(r1, r2)

        qg = r3
        mo = no * (jd1 - td)
        mo = mo / (2.0 * math.pi)
        mo = 2.0 * math.pi * (mo - int(mo))

        ss, cc, ff = lib.kepler(mo, ec)

        b = a * math.sqrt(1.0 - ec * ec)
        ss = b * ss
        cc = a * ff

        tt = lib.quadrant(ss, cc)

        v = tt
        pe = pe + ww * (jd1 - td)
        nd = nd + nn * (jd1 - td)

        v = pe + v
        u[1] = math.cos(v)
        u[2] = math.sin(v) * math.cos(ic)
        u[3] = math.sin(v) * math.sin(ic)
        ss = u[2]
        cc = u[1]

        tt = lib.quadrant(ss, cc)

        lm = tt + nd - qg
        if lm < 0:
            lm = lm + 2.0 * math.pi
        lm = lm / (2.0 * math.pi)
        lm = 2.0 * math.pi * (lm - int(lm))
        ss = u[3]
        cc = u[1] / math.cos(tt)
        fi = math.atan(ss / cc)

        x = 6 + lib.K[3] * (lm + 0.523599) * 0.4
        if x > 150:
            x = x - 150 + 6
        fo = abs(fi)
        y = 21.7007 * math.log(math.tan(math.pi / 4.0 + fo / 2.0))
        if fi > 0:
            y = -y
        if fi * lib.K[3] > 73:
            y = -44
        if fi * lib.K[3] < -73:
            y = 44
        x = int(x / 2)
        y = int(12.5 + y / 4)
        draw.text((x * 8, y * 16), '*', font=fonts2)
        jd = jd1 + 0.375

        yy, mm, dd = lib.jdate(jd, lib.T)

        dh = int(dd)
        hh = 24.0 * (dd - dh)
        dd = dh
        ms = 60.0 * (hh - int(hh))
        hh = int(hh)
        jd1 = 4.0 / 1440.0 + jd1
        if jd1 >= jd2 + pd / 86400.0:

    date_str = '%4d年 %2d月 %2d日 %2d時 %2d分' % (yy, mm, dd, hh, ms)
    draw.text((5 * 8, 21 * 16), date_str, font=fonts1, fill=map_color)

    # 描画した画像を保存

    # 画像の表示
    photo = tk.PhotoImage(file='./images/satellite_course.png', master=root)
    canvas.create_image(1, 1, image=photo, anchor=tk.NW)
    draw.text((230, 160), 'SIGNAL LOST!', font=fonts3, fill=map_color)
    draw.text((100, 190), 'The signal was lost because the eccentricity exceeded 0.7.', font=fonts2, fill=map_color)

    # 描画した画像を保存

    # 画像の表示
    photo = tk.PhotoImage(file='./images/satellite_course.png', master=root)
    canvas.create_image(1, 1, image=photo, anchor=tk.NW)

button = tk.Button(root, text='閉じる', width=6, relief=SOLID, cursor='hand1', command=root.destroy)
button.place(x=558, y=407)


例題 1981年1月1日 9時00分00秒に以下の打ち上げデータで打ち上げた人工衛星の軌道と軌跡を確認してみよう。
  打ち上げ高度: 300Km
  打ち上げ速度: 7.726Km/秒
  軌道傾斜角: 63度

打ち上げ日と時刻 ? 19810101,090000
打ち出し高度(Km) ? 300
打ち出し速度(Km/sec) ? 7.726 
軌道傾斜角 ? 63


     T    =  1981   1   1.000 ET
     Peri.=    40.650               e =     0.00006
     Node =   219.009 (Date)        a =  6678.56 (Km)
     Inc. =    63.000               n =  5726.413824
        q =  6678.16 (Km)           P =    90.53 分
       ww =     0.13      Node Period =    90.53 分
       nn =    -3.85